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IN State Standards, Curriculum & Assessments


Curriculum K-12

Eagle Park staff utilize Google Classroom as our primary means of communicating the curricula on a daily basis. In Google Classroom, students obtain access to curricular resources such as announcements, learning modules, syllabi & course outlines, assignments, assessments, rubrics, discussion boards, etc. 

Questions Regarding Indiana's Academic Standards & Local Curriculum (from IDOE) (July 2021)

Educator Standards for Blended and Online Teaching and Memo from IDOE (March 2021)



  • Eagle Park Community School's curricula is based on the Indiana Academic Standards. This standards-driven approach is student-centered, inclusive, collaborative, data and result-driven, transparent, trustworthy, and future-focused. 
  • Eagle Park staff utilize Google Classoom as our primary means of communicating the curricula on a daily basis. In Google Classroom, students obtain access to curricular resources such as announcements, learning modules, syllabi & course outlines, assignments, assessments, rubrics, discussion boards, etc. 
  • Instructional strategies are research-based and geared towards students' needs as determined by data.

Reading and Writing Curriculum

·         Savvas MyView (K-5)

·         Savvas My Perspectives (6-12)

·         Edmark Reading Program (K-5)

·          N2Y (K-12)

·          Edmentum Fast Phonics, Reading Eggs, Reading Eggspress (K-8)  

·          Reading A to Z (K-12)


Contact information for Curriculum Administrator:

o   Rebecca Harkema, Curriculum Specialist for the Northwest Indiana Special Education Cooperative


§  (219) 769-4000


  • Federal and state laws require that all students, including students with disabilities and students with limited English proficiency, participate in statewide assessments to hold schools accountable for the academic performance of students according to Indiana Code (IC) IC 20-32-5.1-1 et. seq, and Sec.1111(b)(2)(B)(i)(II) of ESSA (codified at 20 U.S.C.A. § 6303b) Indiana Code Title 20.
  • Eagle Park Community School provides all students with ongoing opportunities to demonstrate mastery and growth on statewide and local assessments. 
  • Visit the IDOE's Assessment page for additional information.